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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Rosalind Gardner Makes Money at Home Selling Other Peoples Stuff. Learn Now. Subscribe to her Free Newsletter to learn the nuances of her success.


Read the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earns 400,000+ per year ... selling other people's stuff online!
In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net. In over 300 pages, and more than 68,000 words, you'll learn how to pick the best programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting. To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here.

Is it possible for a newbie to earn millions by promoting affiliate products and services on the internet, without having sufficient knowledge in computer programming and other internet related technical knowledge?

    Those who explore the internet to find opportunities to make money online by staying at home using the computer along with an internet connection often wonder, the stories that makes the round on the net as well as in the press, of teenagers and grand moms earning dollars in astronomical figures from the internet, if they are really true or simply gimmick to lure the needy and the greedy minds to hook up on the net and spend their hard earned savings to start their own website with its unique domain name, to start a shop selling anything from pins to elephants. They also find it hard to believe that one need not have any technical knowledge about internet and computers to maintain a website as well as sell products and services belonging to a merchant as an affiliate to their programs in lieu of a commission for every lead they send from their unique affiliate link to the merchant website that culminate in a sale. 

Let me introduce you to  Rosalind Gardner, who left her job as an air traffic controller in Canada, after she was taken seriously ill, started her own website where she began to promote dating / matchmaking websites of repute from her own website as an affiliate where all she did was give her expert comments on the different dating websites which helped her to establish trust and long lasting personal relationships with thousands of lonely hearts round the world who sought solace and comfort from her advice in seeking their life companion or soul mates. Soon she began to promote all kinds of products and services as an affiliate on the internet which resulted in establishing herself as a super affiliate in no time with 90 percent of the kind of programs she chose to promote as an affiliate. She was nominated by as the Affiliate of the month with a gross revenue of $51,000 in a month.

What is most surprising is that she runs the show all by herself without having anyone to assist her. Initially when she began her internet venture way back in 1997 she worked on an average of fifty to sixty hours a week. At present the working hours range between zero to sixty. She has automated her websites and without having to bother with the nitty-gritty of running hernumerous websites, she has put them on auto pilot that does not demand much of her attention as everything is handled automatically. This leaves her with plenty of leisure time to globe trot,socialize with friends, playing with her cats and of course to read her favorite books and magazines as she lazes besides the river. She is a disciplinarian who is strict with herself and punishes herself  to keep her body fit and in shape. She has a personal trainer with whom she works three times in a week and goes out on cross-country skiing, hiking, walking and snowshoeing.

Rosalind Gardner is the queen of affiliate marketing and has been an inspiration to many affiliates round the world who has read her superb best seller  "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's StuffOnline". This book is a must if anyone who wishes to establish oneself as a super affiliate where Rosalind Gardner has given detailed lessons borrowed from her own experiences how one can follow in her footsteps to become rich and famous on the internet as a super affiliate.

Ever since the launch of the Super Affiliate Handbook sometime in 2003, it has been revised several times with updates that discusses in great details the latest tactics, tools and strategies which successful super affiliates like Rosalind herself applies to multiply their incomes. No wonder today its become a sort of an important bible for thousands of affiliates who have brought a copy of Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online" , which has been useful to both the beginners as well as the seasoned ones, to consult it over and over to help them to understand the nitty gritty of the world of affiliate and internet marketing, to unravel the tips and tricks that are not available for free to the common netizens, that helps them to penetrate deep into the mesh of information and opportunities that are available over the net at the click of the mouse. This helps them to percolate deep to reach out to the many hungry for information, products and services that would enhance their life as well as their earnings.

In one of her numerous free articles that she writes and compiles them in an archive for others to read free of charge, which you too will find it useful,NetProfitsToday, she has said that as a consultant she is surprised with the the skeptism of some people regarding ones success as an affiliate.

According to her she knows more than hundred people personally who has made internet marketing as their full time occupation and doing very well for themselves selling affiliate products and services.

Rosalind Gardner said, I quote

"Thousands of merchants have put resources into developing
affiliate programs so that others can promote their products
in exchange for a commission, which is usually a percentage
of the product's price. If there wasn't money to be made,
Sony, Dell and those thousands of other merchants wouldn't
waste their time and money building affiliate programs."

To read more of her success then read herSuper Affiliate Handbook

She has repeatedly asked people who wants to find success to dream and dream of being successful with a volition that one day they too would stand on the same pedestal as Rosalind herself. All one needs to have is a positive approach to money and instead of considering anything evil about it think of the joy that money gives when it flows down in ones coffer in cascades.

Its people with grit and determination who ultimately reaches the summit of success, in whatever one pursues including internet marketing, even if one has only scant knowledge of the internet. After all there is no rocket science involved to learn how one can launch oneself on the internet and become a millionaire one day. Who knows one one of you might be after reading my review on Rosalind Gardner.  I tell you she is simply marvelous.

Sign up for Rosalind's FREE 'Net Profits Today' newsletter now. It's a down-to-earth, straight-goods, NO HYPE ezine that will help you make sense of doing business as an affiliate marketer. Your privacy is always respected.

Click Here for Free Info

Monday, November 20, 2006

Making Money on the Internet. Enjoy the Free Stuffs

Internet is simply fascinating. It is revolutionary and the greatest invention of mankind after the discovery/invention of cooking on fire, the invention of the wheel, Edisons range of products, the aeroplane and finally the internet, which has connected people on a one to one basis globally, where we can share our thoughts,our hopes, our fear and help each other at times of crisis.

Internet has also brought opportunities where people can buy, sale and barter anything and anywhere as long as one has access to the computer with an internet connection. Not long ago, people thought it best to shop online instead of driving to the mall in the bitter cold to make their X'mas and New Years purchases. Such is the efficiency of the internet and the delivery system, that the very next morning whatever was purchased online the previous evening was delivered the next morning. Since then internet has become a popular mode for selling and buying from pins to elephants literally. This has opened the gates to a multitude of opportunities to make money from the comforts of ones home or perhaps while cruising mid sea on a vacation trip. Infact more millionaires have been created and that too in a short time using the computer and the internet, than perhaps offline prior to the internet and world wide web revolution. It has become quite common to hear of school guys and grandmoms making it big on the net. Nobody is surprised by such stories making their rounds. But then there are no dearth of skeptics who doubt their achievements but that's only a reflection of their own shortcomings, who has been conditioned and groomed to bear in mind that nothing is ahieved without hard work. True, who is disputing that age old theory. But hard work does not mean labouring day and night, slogging to make ends meet. Hard work means to work intelligently, delligently and not procrastinating, till one has reached the days goal, that finally leads to the summit of success.

In my subsequent blogs I will be discussing the various opportunities that are available on the internet. In the meantime let me offer you some free stuffs to keep you happy for today. Hope you will find them useful.

1. Do you love books? I am sure you love the printed matter for information, inspiration and ofcourse entertainment. The best place from where you can download books that no longer infringe the copyrights, for they are now classics that enhanced the human knowledge and culture down the ages, that has enriched mankind than perhaps the coffers of the publishers. It is a great meeting ground of great minds. I am sure you too will enjoy. You will find selected works of the Bard, Mark Twain, the creator of Sherlock Holmes who used finger prints as clues to solve crimes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and ofcourse the original Kamasutra written by the great sage who has scientifically documented the ancient art of love making to preserve marriage and the society, without anything indecent except as a form of art.
Even if you are not a book worm you will do well to take a look at the site that averages two million downloads of various books on different subjects in a month.

2. Do you enjoy music. If you do then congratulations for here is a website that is the most popular music and video sharing website. It has won a long and bitter legal battle with the music industry and at the end of the day all misgivings were settled and they won. Here you will find millions of songs to fill your head with songs and music from your favorite artists. Its possible to make your choice using multiple search by artist, title, genre or anything else concerned with music that you wish to find. They have their own media player too, even though I cannot say its on the whole satisfying, neverthless you will find the site as a great treasure ground for music lovers. Its a great music sharing platform.

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