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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Computer Model for Hurricane Ike - Latest Source of Information

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Hurricane Ike has been classified as Category 3 hurricane which is the middle of the five-step Saffir Simpson scale. 

Wind speed of Hurricane Ike is 115 miles per hour.

Hurricane Ike is heading toward the Bahamas.

Computer models used to forecast storm paths increasingly indicated the hurricane could threaten the 4000 offshore platforms off Louisiana and Texas. Source: Swissinfo. 

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PLR - The Usefulness of Marketing Software Program with Private label Rights

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Software With Private Label Rights

by Rohde Lars

It’s staring at you from the store shelves. Yes, it is that software program that is pretty good but it is missing that special something that could make it even better. What a shame you are not in a position to improve upon it. Wait a minute, you are in that position.

When people hear about business opportunities associated with private label rights, they often assume that this is exclusively a business that revolves around rewriting ebooks. Now, while ebooks definitely comprise a significant volume of the market share of private label rights, they are not one hundred percent of the market.

In fact, a significant volume of the market is comprises of opportunities to sell software with private label rights and this venture often has the potential to be more financially lucrative than most ebook ventures could ever hope to dream of! There are a number of factors for this and these factors will be spotlighted as a way of providing a little guiding light on this subject.

The first step in getting started with this amazing opportunity is to examine all of the programs that you can create. When it comes to software, many individuals feel that they have to create a top of the line product. The reality is that you only need to create a software program that will be used. For instance, did you know that a software program could actually be used to assist daycare providers, among other professionals. There are many daycare providers who need a way to organize all of their paperwork. A professional software program will allow them to do this, in a matter of minutes. Daycare software programs are just a few of the many programs that you can make; in fact, the possibilities are literally endless.

The purpose of software with private label rights is that the person who enters into a business agreement with the distributor of the software can re-brand and rewrite the software so as to make it uniquely their own. This way one could tweak the software to appeal to different personal or business needs that might exist in the marketplace. If an individual who hits upon a new and innovative idea and exports this idea in the form of software with private label rights, then the ability to have an explosive seller on the market is highly possible. This can be significantly more lucrative than an ebook private label rights venture. 

While some people are not all that interested in reading, virtually everyone has a need for one software program or another. As such, the market demand for software will always be more than the demand for ebooks. Additionally, an innovative software program that expands upon what previously existed in the marketplace is almost always in demand.

If you are able to financially afford the cost of purchasing software resell rights, you are encouraged to take part in this amazing opportunity, even if you only give it a chance. For many with a disability, this is the perfect way to make money. To make money with private label resell rights, you must sell your newly acquired product. There are a number of different ways that you can do about doing this. It is likely that you will find that many of these selling methods require a small amount of time and a small amount of effort.

A talented software revisionist need not be without a home anymore. Thanks to the marketing opportunities available through software with private label rights opportunities a great programmer can become a great and successful entrepreneur overnight. So why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Free Webcast - Forrester Explores and analyzes 5 common myths regarding IT disasters

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Information is Wealth. Any company values all information and data that it thinks are vital and are considered an asset to the company. 

Information stored in digital form are highly valued and needs to be protected well.

A full proof strategy is a must to have a system that provides proper IT Disaster Management for protection.

However there are  certain myths i.e those without substantial evidence or proof to validate about some aspects of IT disaster.

This needs to be addressed before formulating an optimal strategy to deal with the security and safety of the data stored and other aspects of the Information Technology adopted in the system. 

Its with such an intention that Stephanie Balaouras of Forrester identified five common myths concerning IT disasters.

This includes one great myth that data centres are absolutely safe and are not vulnerable to any uneventful disaster that could strike unleashing considerable loss and damage. 

Its exactly why Stephanie set upon the task to make corporations aware of such myths which might lull them into complacence with a false sense of security, whereas its just the contrary.

No wonder Stephanie has been able to give detailed information about the kind of approach that corporations most often adopt to deal with any of these attacks, if any, or prepare to brace any unforeseen disaster while all the time believing into these myths that has more often than not ended up in great failures and loss. 

Stephanie has  stressed upon the importance of having a thorough analysis on the kind of impact that IT Disaster management would  have on business before any proper decision is taken on the kind of technological update that's needed as part of a strategy to deal with IT disaster that could cause any system to go haywire. 

As part of the solution Stephanie has delved deep into her long experience of dealing with a vast array of varied corporate clients, to provide the right kind of solutions or strategy in such matters of concern regarding IT disaster as preventive measures. 

So its for your knowledge and convenience that HP and Forrester research has brought out a webcast that actually deals at length the various aspects of the IT disaster particularly the one that's caused by the 5 common myths .

The web cast also explains to you about the various strategies that would provide you with vital suggestions to deal with the most common forms of IT disaster. 

Here too you get to learn how Patrick Eitenbichler of HP describes the continuum for Business Continuity and Availability which matches applications appropriately having proper recovery technologies.

Join Forrester Research and HP in this webinar which explores common myths about IT disasters and analyzes different strategies to protect a company's information assets based on risk and cost.

Click Here Now


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Functional Programming Offers Better Security to Software than Procedural Programming

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More and more experienced computer software programmers are realizing the importance of Functional Programming. 

One great advantage that Functional Programming have is that they offer better security to software. 

Functional Programming offers better security than Imperative Programming such as Procedural Programming or Object-oriented programming.  

This is because Functional Programming, according to most computer scientists or computer software engineers, lacks any sort of "Side Effects". 

In Imperative or Procedural Programming "side effects" are employed so that the program actually functions the way its programed to do so.

The Side Effect depends on the "state" or some hidden information that changes with the progress of the program step by step. 

For example, a function might modify a global or a static variable, modify one of its arguments, write data to a display or file, or read some data from other side-effecting functions. Side effects often make a program's behavior more difficult to predict.

In Imperative or Procedural Programming "side effects" are employed so that the program actually functions the way its programed to do so. 

The Side Effect depends on the "state" or some hidden information which continues to change with the progress of the program while following certain sequential procedure. 

A function could cause side effect by modifying the static or global variable. It could also do so by modifying the arguments or write some data in a file or is displayed or it could be when it reads a data from other side-effecting functions. 

Hence its important for any programming languages to have access to pertinent information regarding the particular "State" which the programmer is not aware of. Such an information on the state is required if the program is to operate accordingly for the desired outcome.

However most often such information about the state remains hidden from the programmer making it very difficult to predict the outcome. 

Its very similar to the frustration of lighting up a bulb using a "three way switching system" as experienced in the real world. 

The bulb would only glow when you pull the switch in a particular direction provided you are aware of the postion of the other switch that's hidden away from view. Only after some trial and error you could possibly figure it out that could make it very irritating indeed.  

In imperative programming such as procedural programming the statements are structured into procedures (that are also referred as as subroutines or functions). 

The in built  programming in the various hardware of computers are all imperative i.e. the machine code is designed in imperative style. 

Thats why it becomes difficult for programmer to know the hidden state of the hardware in which the software is to be installed. 

So when designing the CPU there are instruction side effects which actually modify the internal CPU without explicitly stating it.

Thats why in general the instruction ADD may or may not modify condition variables (carry, zero, overflow, etc) in the status register.

This causes a problem when designing a CPU that has an instruction pipeline and supports instructions with side-effects.

Side Effects often make a program's behavior more difficult to predict. The programmer finds its exceedingly difficult to exactly determine which particular state could be important and those that could be safely ignored or discarded. 

To overcome such difficulty in predicting the particular state most computer languages insists that the programmer add as much of extra code to determine which of the data and parts of the code are to be considered prominent. 

No wonder such imperative programming makes the probability to make mistakes on the part of the programmer all the more.

So while writing the code it's quite likely that some dangerous bugs might appear since it could happen because the programmer failed to determine the various hidden states that are to be managed by the program.

The failures could also happen because of misinterprating the exact nature of each of the states and the relationship enjoyed amongst themselves that are in the collection.   

It could also arise while overlooking  a supposedly insignificant variable that takes up a value during the imperative procedure because of an unexpected input. 

It could also arise because of some typing error when writing the name of some object or variable. 

Sometimes certain bugs could prevent the program to compile or run, which remains undetected to the programmer who created the program for some vital software project. 

However some plucky hacker with malacious intention could quite likely discover such a bug present in the program.  The hacker then works out a strategy to make use of the loophole for clandestine purpose by breaching into the security.

Its much later after considerable damage had been done, does the bug come into surface and the programmer has to once again work all over again to plug the loop holes that's causing the bugs to appear making the software vulnerable to attack. 

Such a problem as seen in an imperative or procedural program such as an object-oriebnted program is minimized to a great extent in case of a Functional Programming language. 

In Functional Code the vraiables are missing. In functional programming with some exceptions in certain cases, is usually a chain of various functions, where the output of one function becomes the input of the other and so on. 

In imperative program its the other way round where the program is depended on the various variables present. It uses variables and vraious complex statements.

Values of varaibles that determines the state is entered as input which are then stored for such variables.

These values of the vraiables are then manipulated in a sequential procedure such as evaluation of complex expressions, consisting of perhaps a combination of various arithmetic operations and function evaluations.  

The procedure in an imperative program may include looping statement and conditional branching. 

Looping statements such as in while loops, do while loops and for loops allow a sequence of statements to be executed as many times it has been specified to carry out. 

Conditional branching statements allow a block of statements to be executed only if some condition is met.

Otherwise, the statements are skipped and the execution sequence continues from the statement following the block.

Unconditional branching statements allow the execution sequence to be transferred to some other part of the program. These include the jump, called "goto" in many languages, and the subprogram, or procedure, call.

Such complexities in programming such as in an imperative programming is not seen in a functional programming. 

Functional programming are considered declarative programming similar to logic programming and constraint programming. 

Declarative programming  is different from imperative programming.

Declarative programming  does not describes how to create something instead it teaches what that something is really like. 

Even HTML web pages are considered as a declarative program. This is because  HTML program  describes what a page should contain, but not how  the page should be displayed on a computer screen.

Since each functional code are predefined and its properties declared so there is no need to create any function since its already meant to give specific results without causing any side effects in doing so. 

The function result value does not depend on any hidden information or state that may change as program execution proceeds. 

The functional is not dependant on any external input such as from I/O devices.

The function always evaluates the same result value given the same argument value(s) and is only dependant on the specific argument values and nothing else, even if its not required for the function to depend on any or all of the arguments. 

Functional programming thus is able to eliminate many of the undesirable problems that may arise while writing the code and keeping the level of errors to the bare minimum. 

That's how functional programming has been able to secure a software better much in contrast to the difficulties that arise in implementing the same using imperative or procedural programming.  

Even though Haskell is considered a highly pure functional language than any LISP based language.  Its totally free of any side effects, and there is no change in the explicit state or state changes at all. Even then Haskell is considered to be impure. 

Pure functional languages are suppose to have algorithms or data structures that does not undergo any kind of modification or update in its state that could cause destruction or make it vulnerable to attacks. 

algorithms, data structures or programming languages that exclude destructive modifications (updates). 

However its important to note that writing pure functional code is simply impossible. 

Most languages can be assigned to one of the following classifications of programming languages:

Lisp is functional, Java is object oriented, C is procedural, and Prolog is declarative.

However none of them are strictly pure as per the above classification.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wi-Fi Security - Prevent Hackers and Piggy Backers from Misusing Online Household Wireless Network Users

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Caveat to All Wi-Fi Users

Beware of Hackers who Misuse Others Wi-Fi Wireless Network

Wi-Fi Household Users the World Over including those in the USA, Europe and Asia-Pacific are Falling Victim to Hackers who Piggyback on their Network by Misusing their Internet Account for Crime and other Illegal/Unethical Activities  without the actual Wi-Fi Owners Knowledge or Consent. 

Are you using Wi-Fi for internet access from home or office? If so then surely you must be adequately secured by having proper password protection for your wireless network.

If you as a Wi-Fi user fail to use the password for accessing the internet then you are causing yourself to be vulnerable to all kinds of criminal activities by some unscrupulous person amongst those who are in your immediate vicinity by piggybacking on your wireless network without your knowledge.

It has been found from a survey that there are many amongst us who either do not wish to use a password each time they access the internet using their Wi-Fi system or do not have one that adequately secure them from attacks by hackers who love to piggy back on others. 

A good number of Wi-Fi users are there who  use others wireless network by piggybacking on them to download large files or adult content without the actual owners being aware of them. 

By not using a proper password for your wireless network at home or while travelling could allow criminals with malafide intention to use your wireless network for some nefracious activities such as terrorism which could land you in serious trouble. 

So to avoid swimming in the hot soup its better you remain well protected and do not take things for granted with the illusion of being in the confines of a closed room with not a soul to accompany you.

You might not know that your neighbor some 200 meters from where you are is actually snooping on you and could even steal your credit card password or that of your bank account during transaction.

How To Protect your Wi-Fi Wireless Network System from Piggybackers and Hackers?

An unsecured internet connection is just the same as leaving your front door open.

So take adequate precaution to stop neighbors from piggybacking at your expense and innocence by connecting to your wireless network and misusing your internet connection for free.

So are some important suggestions that you may take by taking the following steps for securing your Wi-Fi Network. 

As already mentioned have your Wi-Fi network well protected by using a password that works and cannot be broken into easily. Frequently change the passwords. 

Use WPA Encryption instead of a WEP to prevent hackers to access information in files. 

Use  proper firewall configured properly. 

Change the defauld SSID - or, better yet disable the SSID broadcast.

Buy a PCMCIA card that has management software that can connect if the SSID is not broadcasted. 

Set your filters to allow only specific MAC addresses.

Make sure to strategically place the wireless router where it has the hardest time broadcasting outside of the home, like say in the basement.

As a final security precaution, consider limiting access to 
network adapters with specific MAC addresses.

Close your networks (in AirPort lingo or disable SSID broadcasting for you PC folks) and use the built-in encryption/security features of your router/access point. At the very least connect to your router's web-administration page and change the default password for the admin account. 

If you're still unsure, switch back to hardwired Ethernet connections... that's a REALLY secure connection. 

Monday, September 1, 2008

Comcast To Limit Unlimited Usage Exceeding 250 GB per month

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Its now official, Comcast has finally admitted in principle that it does have an invisible usage limit which is not specified but would officially come into force begining October 1st, this year(2008). 

The Philadelphia based Comcast Corp is USA's largest cable operator. Recently, Comcast is facing tremendous problem in dealing with heavy usage of the internet by some subscriber.

This is hampering optimal service to each of the account holders particularly the  internet users in residential blocks. 

Recently the phone and cable companies offering high speed internet services are finding it exceedingly difficult with heavy users. There are some  subscribers who according to the service providers are abusing the liberty to download as much as they can that are clogging the traffic. 

These heavy residential internet users hardly seem to care if what they are doing is actually putting too much of a burden on net traffic that deprives the small users the convenience to surf smoothly. 

With advance in net technology its not surprising any more when people prefer to watch online video, download music, photosharing, transfer of large files and what not, including online TV. 

No wonder these cable service providers have been trying to find ways to manage the large volume of traffic so that the maximum number of subscribers are not put to any kind of difficulty while surfing and downloading files. 

As Web usage has rocketed, driven by the popularity of watching online video, photo-sharing and music downloading services, cable and phone companies have been considering various techniques to limit or manage heavy usage.

It's by sheer frustration that it began to identify incorrigable and pathological internet users that far exceeded the avearge usage by most subscribers. In order to put a curb on these monstrous users Comcast decided to issue warnings in random to whoever they found were seen crossing  the unofficial limit of 250 GB in a single month. They were warned of being penalised by having their subscription terminated if repeated. 

This heavy handedness did not come down too well. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission was flooded with complaints by several consumer groups against Comcast for blocking peer-to-peer applications such as the BitTorrent. To pacify flared tempers the Commission demanded that Comcast make appropriate modification in its network management earlier this month. 

As a stop gap measure Comcast has finally decided that instead of resorting to illegal termination of subscribers it has decided to put a cap on each residential account holder. 

However Comcast is reluctant to admit the exact figure they wish to decide for a cap, which according to them could be flexible depending on the traffic in a particular location. It could be slightly higher than the 250 GB or it could be even much less than that. 

They have vaguely defined "Excessive Users" as anyone  who “downloads the equivalent of 30,000 songs, 250,000 pictures or 13 million emails in a month.” This is equivalent to just 90 GB. 

However as of now the Comcast subscribers are being adviced to keep down the limit to below 250 GB. If at any moment a subscriber is found to exceed the limit, a warning would be issued over the phone to the subscriber. If in a six month time frame  the subscriber fails to check their usage and commits the offence twice their subscription would be terminated for a year as penalty. 

According to some consumer group the 250 GB is sufficient for an average user which is the equivalent of 50 million e-mails or 124 standard-definition movies. 

Comcast are of the opinion that this limit to their unlimited usage would affect only 1% of its 14 million subscribers in USA. The rest 99% would not be affected by such a policy. 

At the end of the year Comcast hopes to revamp its communication management policy. It would instead of demanding a flat fee for a supposedly unlimited usage would now consider pricing its bill according to the amount of usage. 

Till then the heavy users have to move cautiously instead of going on an overdrive and overshoot the limit inadvertently that would attract penalty chages of being debarred by the Comcast's Customer Security Assurance (CSA) . 

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Google Suggest to Guess the Right Keywords to Help Surfers and PPC Ad Campaigners

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Google is adding a new feature in its Google Search engine which would ease much of the problems faced by Googlers in using the right keywords to search something very special on the net. 

Its very important to use the right keywords that not only is spelt correctly but is also associated with the particular subject that one wants to look up for from those websites that actually discusses the specific niche at length. 

Sometimes it so happens that a keyword might mean several things and Google failed to guess the one which the surfer wanted. At best it came up with results, so long, of those websites that were ranked high in terms of popularity for a particular keyword.

Even though the keyword used for the search has been spelt correctly yet it fails to match the particular subject that the searcher is actually googling for. This heightens the frustation and the surfer has to use several combination of keywords or maybe in a conversation mode to make the right combination. 

After several hits and misses, the surfer finally homes in on the particular website that it had been looking for. 

Google understood the problem and to make it easier and convenient, it had been working on this problem for the past four years to help Google guess the right combination of keywords that's pertinent to the particular subject, idea, place, product, service or article. 

Google Suggest provides a list of query suggestions when users start typing in the search box, helping to formulate queries and reduce spelling errors. The feature is similar to Google's "did you mean?" feature but works in real time.

As soon as anyone begins to type the keyword in the Google search box, the Google Suggest would come up with a list of keyword combinations to choose from. 

This saves time, avoids making spelling mistakes and also helps Google Search to guess which of the combination of keywords is the one that you are possibly looking for. This feature is user friendly. 

Say I typed the word "Cool" in the Google Search Box. It came up with the following suggestions along with the total number of results for each combination. 

Cool Games,  CoolToad, Coolchaser, Cool text, Cool names, Cool Running, Cool wallpaper, Cool quotes, Cool kids, Coolermaster.

However SEO and Webmasters are slightly apprehensive about this feature since they are of the opinion that it would cut into the longtail keywords and typo traffic volume.  

However anyone who is enterprising would always find some glimpse of opportunity to cash on. One could find the number of results that each of the combination of keywords that are mentioned in the query list from Google Suggest.

The one which gives the least number of results would most likely to have less competition for that particular combination of keywords. So those involved in PPC campaign could easily bid for such a combination of keywords at very modest price. 


Beyond the Womb: Exploring the Brave New World of Artificial Wombs

 As I flipped through the morning newspaper, a particular report grabbed my attention, uncovering a captivating yet intricate frontier in re...