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Tuesday, November 28, 2006


So the mantra for affiliate
master success can be summed in my own words as:            

Every website must have Rich Contents          

With information most sought after       

That like a pot of honey pulls the targeted traffic

Warm up your visitors that Pre Sells with hot and nourishing delicacies

That holds the key to unlock
their problems      

And fills a hunger with love and joy      

Cash in their confidence in you by your recommendations         

Of products and services with an open-to-buy attitude. 

Monetize your visitors  

By adopting to a low risk Affiliate model.         

Content --> Traffic --> PRE-selling --> Monetize   

May this Mantra make your Business Grow.

The online SBI! Action Guide shows them how to execute the natural, powerful




process, using SBI!'s
easy-to-use, integrated set of tools.

For Free Information and
Guide Click Now

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